Ulysses Chapter Chart

Ulysses Chapter Chart Information
Ch. 1: "Ships and Men"
Quote: "Bad luck makes good stories." pg.3
-naiad = sea nymph
-piratical = pirate like
-suitor = wannabe boyfriend
-50 men ea. ship
-3 ships
-prow= tip of the bow

Ch. 2: "The Ciconians"
Quote: "I advised you badly, O Chief. We have angered the gods." p. 7
-Maronea = first stop
-Eurylochus = U.'s assistant
-18 mean dead/132 left
-scything = slicing
-appease = to calm someone down
-Hellenes = Greeks

Ch. 3: "The Lotus-Eaters"
Quote: "This man is a hero. Terrible are his needs, sudden are his needs, and his dreams must be his
own." p. 13
-morph = shape
-Morpheus = god of dreams
-Hypnos = god of sleep
-Persephone = Morpheus's aunt
-hospitality = kindness toward guests

Ch. 4: "The Cyclops' Cave"
Quote: "The gods honor courage but punish pride." p. 26
--Sicily? Crete?
--mutiny = crew rebels against captain
--undiluted = pure; no water added
--"snoring like a powersaw"
--converging = moving together towards a single point
--hubris = Greek crime of having too much pride
--Polyphemus = cyclops; Poseidon's son
--Poseideon = Poly's dad
--13 men go to shore
--2/1/7 gone
--122 men left?

Ch. 5: "Keeper of the Winds"
Quote: " 'For those who know how to listen, I have a tale to tell.' " p. 30
--Penelope = U's wife
--Telemachus = U's son
--Aeolus = god of the winds
--the island fortress
--12 kids
--9 days/9 nights (U. slept)
--untrusting crew members
--personification of the wind

Ch. 6: "Cannibal Beach"
"But it was not trunk. He had been climbing no tree." p. 44
--6 days
--Island of the Racing Sun
--one boat/one crew left

Ch. 7: "Circe"
"For the sweetest spell Circe weaves is one of hospitality." p. 54
--45 men left
--marrow = inner bone material
--23 men go to castle (Eurylochus + 22)
--Hermes = messenger god
--moly = white flower: protects against spells
--Tartarus = the worst part of Hades
--The Fates = Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos

Ch. 8: "Land of the Dead"
"You must keep to the middle way." p. 79
--Hades (The Underworld)
--Elpenor = crew member
--River Styx
--Anticleia = Ulysses's mom
--Achilles = Gk. hero of Trojan War (know Achilles' heel story)
--Ajax = Gk. hero of Trojan War; went mad w/resentment because Ulysses was awarded Achilles'
golden armor, not him
--Penelope = U's wife
--Tieresias = shape-shifter; he is very wise and Ulysses has been directed to him for advice

Ch. 9: "The Wandering Rocks"
Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--prophecy = a prediction of the future
--inept = clumsy
--rendezvous = to meet OR a meeting

Ch. 10: "The Sirens"
Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--Sirens = half woman, half bird
--Thrinacia = ancient name for Sicily
--"...do not release me"
--beeswax = what they used to plug their ears
--"heap of bones" = what the Sirens sat on

Ch. 11: "Scylla and Charybdis"
Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--thrice = three times
--dumbfounded = shocked to the point of speechlessness
--Amphitrite = Poseidon's wife

Ch. 12: "Cattle of the Sun"
Choose your own quote (w/pg. #)
--Hyperion = ancient sun god
--dire = serious
--30 days/30 nights = how long they were stuck on the island
--libation = liquid sacrifice; usually wine
--piety = religiousness
--kine = synonym for cattle
--vortex = center of the whirlpool
--ALONE!!!!! = Ulysses is all by himself; no crew left

Ch. 13: "Calypso"
Choose your own quote, or use this:
p. 115: "Briefly, your son is grieving, your wife is weaving, and your guests are not leaving."
--Ogygyia = Calypso's island
--grotto = cave
--Titan brood
--2300 yrs. old = Calypso's age
--(magic) veto = a veto is the power to say no; Calypso can tell the magic logs NOT to show Ithaca
--shroud = death blanket
--eloquent = well-spoken

Ch. 14: "Ino's Veil"
Choose your own quote!
--veil = long piece of soft fabric
--Phaeacia (sometimes spelled Phaecia) = place where Ulysses ends up at end of this chapter

Ch. 15: "Nausicaa"
Choose your own quote!

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